November 1-3
Weekend Admission Price
Registration | |
Individuals | $40 |
Couples | $70 |
Family | $100 |
Registration is completely subscribed.
We are completely sold out. We will be contacting waitlisters soon, but not adding additional names to the waitlist. Just to be clear - we will not have any tickets available at the door. Thanks for your interest in Tennessee Game Days!
Please make plans to attend TGD Spring 2025. Subscribe to our mailing list for the latest info.
Advance Registration is Required. We will not be selling tickets at the door, nor will there be single day passes. This is easier on our volunteers, makes administration run smoother, and expedites everyone's check in experience! Thanks for making plans in advance.
Family Rates are intended for two adults and all members of a household under 18 years of age. If you have a unique circumstance or any question, please contact us and let us know!
Once you have registered, just show up to the front desk at TGD. Give them your name, and your badge will be waiting there for you. In the unlikely event of a descrepancy, just have your Paypal payment receipt with you (electronically is fine). You'll be off and gaming in no time!
Registration is now closed.
If you have any problems or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Tennessee Game Days Policies
Tennessee Game Days weekends are always a fun way to relax with friends and enjoy some great board and card games. We just have a few guidelines we ask all our attendees to abide by to make the weekend run smoothly.
Have fun - Most importantly have fun - meet some new people, try a new game, play something you haven't had a chance to in a while. Whatever you do, have fun doing it!
Conflict Resolution – The goal of Tennessee Game Days is for people to have fun playing games. To that end, please treat others the way that you would want to be treated. Respect the wishes of those around you – stop means stop, go away means go away. If a conversation does not resolve the situation, or you need help, please let our volunteer at the library know and they will contact someone to assist. If an attendee cannot abide by these guidelines or the instructions of TGD staff, they may be asked to leave the event, or have the authorities called, if necessary.
Food / Drink - We will offerring lunch on site throughout the weekend so that you can keep gaming without a long meal break! These lunches help subsidize the cost of TGD, so please consider eating on site. Otherwise, there are a few dining options at the hotel and a large amount a short drive away. If you go out for food, please bring a minimal amount of food or drink into the event. A soda from your meal is fine, twenty pizzas for all your crew will cause problems. Also, please be careful around the gaming tables. Nothing kills a great game quicker than being flooded with cola. Please keep drinks away from games or use a container with a cap or lid.
Smoking / Alcohol - Our event is smoke free (and drug free as well if anyone needs that spelled out). Smoking can be done outside the building, but under state law (TCA Section 39-17-1804), you need to be far enough away from the building that smoke doesn't waft back into the facility. Attendees that purchase an alcoholic beverage at the hotel bar are welcome to enjoy them while gaming but no outside alcohol can be brought into the venue. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Costumes / Cosplay - There are no formal cosplay events at Tennessee Game Days, nor is it a part of our program. We have had people wear a funny hat or a fancy outfit, but not anything that would be defined as cosplay in the traditional sense. In addition, our event insurance requires that we not allow mock weapons. If you are looking for an event that has a cosplay element, this isn't it.
Photos - Throughout the weekend, we will be taking photographs to use on this site as promotion or to share with our sponsors so they can see their donations in action. Attending the event is consent to your image being used in this manner.
Games - In addition to our Gaming Library, attendees usually bring along games to share with fellow gamers. Please be respectful of any games that you play and treat them with care. As we grow larger game storage space is becoming harder and harder to guarantee. Our suggestion is to limit games that you bring with you to TGD and to keep those games in our car or hotel room as much as possible. There will be some storage under the edge tables in the main hall, but that fills up quickly.
Kids - Anyone 18 years old or under must be accompanied by an adult to attend the event. Any gamer that has the attention span and ability to understand the objectives of the game is definitely welcome. You know your child and his or her abilities and limitations best. That being said, Tennessee Game Days weekend is probably not the best place to break in toddlers and young gamers on Gulo, Gulo and other great kids games. While I'm sure my four year old will stop by for a brief visit to see "all the gamers", he is still five or six years away from being a regular attendee. We've had babies in attendance before and it hasn't been a problem, but again you know your child best - if they don't like loud, noisy places, then you might want to consider inviting the in-laws over or hiring a sitter.
To further help facilitate younger gamers, we also have a "Kid's Corner." It is an area with a couple tables for younger gamers (6-10 year olds) to play games that are freely available for them to use and return. If you child, under age 14, wants to play a game from the main gaming library, we are going to ask that (1) you check that game out for them and (2) play that game with your child or have them play at the table next to you. We think these few simple guidelines will make things go smoothly for all.
Can I Demo My Game (Game Related Thing) at TGD? - TGD policy is that anyone can use a 2' tall x 3' wide table sign (not a tall vertical banner) to advertise their gaming thing in the main ballroom, as long as people are actively playing games at the table. If there is no gaming happening at the table, and the ballroom fills up, you may be asked to make room for active gaming (this hasn't ever happened yet). Passive flier distribution to gamers at your table is fine, but don't be actively stopping passersby to hand out your advertisements.
And finally, we don't require this, but as we are letting you advertise your gaming thing to hundreds of members of your target audience, it would be awesome to see a little reciprocal advertisement about TGD through your gaming thing's media outlets around 4 weeks prior to TGD. If it's already inside that 4 week window, no worries; just remember us next year.
Soliciting / Sales - Please do not sell any merchandise in the ballroom or on site at TGD, nor should anyone be soliciting donations or other monetary contributions. We will have a flea market during the event, you are welcome to sell games and other items through that program.