Some things happen in the spring, some in the fall, and some every time. Here's the rundown.

Spring and Fall

Play to WinAll weekend, players can select a game from the Play to Win table provided by our generous sponsors. After playing it, you and your fellow players will be eligible for a drawing held Sunday at 11a. Full details are here.

Tour of Gaming Destinations The TN Game Days Tour of Gaming Destinations is our teaching track. That's TGD TGD for anyone not watching closely. If you would like to teach a game you love as a tour guide, or want a guaranteed seat at a table as a tourist (player), keep an eye on your e-mail as we will send this info as one of our blasts to registered attendees once we get close to TGD weekend. Check here for the full details.

TGD Flea MarketAll along the perimeter of the main ballroom is what we like to call the Distributed Flea Market. It is sooo much better than stuffing everyone into a tiny room for an hour. Details here.


Tennessee State ChampionshipsThe Envoy Tennessee State Championships are held in the main ballroom front and center. A friendly Envoy rep will teach the games and administer the tournament. It's a fun way to learn something new, and you might win big! The entire line up of the State Champ events can be found here! Sign up at the event.

Tennessee State ChampionshipsThe Envoy Road to GenCon Events are held in the main ballroom front and center. A friendly Envoy rep will teach the games and administer the tournament. It's a fun way to learn something new, and you might win big! The entire line up of the Road to GenCon events can be found here! Sign up at the event.

Wits and Wagers Game Show Grab two other people, come up with a goofy team name, and get ready for the fast and furious Wits and Wagers Game Show! Teams compete to score the most points by answering trivia questions typically related to TGD, it's anniversary (starting in 2006), or board games. No actual trivia knowledge required. This Friday night event will last about an hour and the winning triumvirate will be rewarded!

Crokinole Tournament Warm up that flicking finger for the annual TGD Crokinole Tournament, both singles and doubles. No sign-ups or experience necessary. You can learn this game easily in a few minutes and have a great time. Flick your checkers into the center hole while at the same time trying to blast your opponent's checkers off the board. Grab a partner and set aside some time Saturday night for the Canadian parlor pastime that has been a staple at TGD Spring since 2011.

Take it Easy TournamentThe original TGD event: Take it Easy. It's a chill Sunday morning bingo-puzzle-strategy-tile-laying event. No experience necessary. We'll play one round, heckle the caller, tally our scores, and award some prizes.