Tennessee Game Days Policies
By attending, everyone at Tennessee Game Days agrees to abide by the following set of policies. Attendees purchasing badges for other attendees (family passes, etc.) are responsible for sharing this link with everyone in their party.
Conflict Resolution - Our goal at TGD is for everyone to have fun. To that end, treat others how they want to be treated. Be respectful - stop means stop, go away means go away. If a conversation does not resolve an uncomfortable situation, or you need help, please let a registration/library volunteer know and they will contact someone who can assist. If an attendee cannot abide by these guidelines or the instructions of TGD staff, they may be asked to leave the event, or have the authorities called, if necessary.
Food / Drink - We offer inexpensive and delicious hot lunch on site throughout the weekend to help subsidize the cost of the event. When you go out for food, please eat your meal there rather than bring it all back into the gaming space. A left-over soda from your meal is fine, twenty pizzas for all your crew will cause problems for TGD with the hotel.
Smoking / Vaping / Alcohol - Our event venue is smoke/vape free. This can be done outside the building, but under state law (TCA Section 39-17-1804), you need to be far enough away from the building that smoke doesn't waft back into the facility. Attendees that purchase an alcoholic beverage at the hotel bar are welcome to enjoy it while gaming, but no outside alcohol can be brought into the venue. Please do not drink to excess while at TGD.
Costumes / Cosplay - There are no formal cosplay events at TGD. Do not bring mock weapons. A funny hat or fancy outfit is fine, but please nothing that would be defined as cosplay in the traditional sense.
Photos - Throughout the weekend, we will be taking photographs to use on this site or social media or to share with our sponsors for their use. Attending the event is consent to your image being used in this manner. That said, if event staff are snapping a photo you don't want to be in, please do speak up and we will wait for you to clear the frame.
Game Storage - Check our library before you pack games to bring to TGD. Storage space is limited, so you may be asked to move your stuff if it obstructs gaming space. Our suggestion is to use your car or hotel room for most of your games and bring just a few at a time into the ballroom.
Kids - Anyone under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Parents are expected to monitor their younger children and not allow any minor to become disruptive at the convention. If your younger child wants to play a game from the TGD library, please accompany them to the library room and then either play the game with them or have the young gamers play at a table next to you.
We have a "Kid's Corner" with a few tables for families and younger gamers as well as a little library with no checkouts required - just box up the game and return it when finished playing.
Can I Demo My Game (Game Related Thing) at TGD? - any attendee can use a 2' tall x 3' wide table sign (not a tall vertical banner) to advertise their gaming thing in the main ballroom, as long as people are actively playing games at the table. If there is no gaming happening at the table, and the ballroom fills up, you may be asked to make room for active gaming (this hasn't ever happened yet). Passive flier distribution to gamers at your table is fine, but don't be actively stopping passersby to hand out your advertisements and don't leave them laying all over the venue.
Soliciting / Sales / Flea Market - Do not bring a pile of merchandise to sell in the ballroom. Do not solicit donations. You can sell games and gaming related paraphernalia during the distributed flea market. TGD organizers reserve the right to limit sales of any items they deem inappropriate for the venue.
Sickness / Disease - TGD gathers hundreds of gamers from dozens of cities. Infectious diseases are a thing, there are risks associated with conventions, and ultimately you are responsible for your own health and wellbeing. But you are also part of a community of gamers that you should try to protect. So from "con crud" to COVID, if you are ill, please do not attend TGD this time. We hope to see you again at the next one. Illness refunds are available for unused badges up through Saturday of convention weekend if you contact us through TGD Discord. We do not monitor e-mail during the event.